fbpx COMPLEX SIMPLICITY - Kulturakademin
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Dance workshop with Jonathan Sanchez

Kulturakademin i samarbete med Dansalliansen och Danscentrum Väst


Participants will be guided through an improvisations’ technique. This lab
gives the dancers an understanding of their connection between mind and
body in order to be in control of their own physical instrument and therefore
continue growing creatively and technically. A game of images, situations,
feelings, rhythm and in bodying those. The movement language is
expressive, fluent, sensual and earthy. The unique animalistic movement
language that arises from the human instinct is the particular and peculiar




Jonathan Sanchez

Jonathan Sanchez moves in many different medias, being a price taker in 2018 at POOL Internationales TanzFilmFestival Berlin for his triptych-trailer of Molimo. He worked with choreographers such as Olivier Germser, Rosine Nadjar, Gianluca Girolami, Michèle Murray, Toula Limnaios & Christine Bonansea. In 2011 he became a certified dance teacher at l'Ecole Supérieure d'Enseignement de la Danse in Montpellier under the direction of Anne-Marie Porras,  while performing with her Junior Ballet. Since 2017 as a performer and assistant Jonathan is actively a part of the Sita Ostheimer Company.

About Sita ostheimer: After finishing her study in Frankfurt, Germany, Sita joined MS Schrittmacher-Oldenburg, worked with Itzik Galili-Groningen and Krisztina de Chatel-Amsterdam. In 2008 she joined Hofesh Shechter Company.
As a choreographer she created Noble thinking, Accompany and Dissimilar foxes for Shechter’s IN GOOD COMPANY. As a freelance Choreographer she created for example Metanoia, Balter, Chasm, Molimo, Us, Two and Human In Pieces for her company, Ubuntu for Bodhi Project Sead Salzburg, Mangata for Frontier Danceland Singapore and Eigenrausch for CobosMika Spain. In addition she works as Shechter’s choreographic assistant, re-staging his work at companies such as NDT I, Staatstheater Kassel, where she has also been rehearsal director 2014-2015. She teaches regular Intensive Workshops and classes around the world.


Skriv ut
25 maj 2019
26 maj 2019

Kl. 13.00-16.30

Jonathan Sanchez,
Professionella dansare och koreografer
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Kulturakademins aktiviteter är i de flesta fall kostnadsfria. Men från och med 1 januari 2019 behöver vi fakturera dig en frånvaroavgift på 500 kr om du uteblir utan att avanmäla dig senast 24 timmar innan aktiviteten startar.
Antal platser
20 st
Danscentrum Väst
Ärlegatan 3
414 57 Göteborg
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08 maj 2019

Kulturakademins aktiviteter bedrivs med stöd från Kulturnämnden och Miljö- och regionutvecklingsnämnden i Västra Götalandsregionen samt Region Halland.

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