fbpx Anton Lachky Puzzle Work - Kulturakademin
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Anton Lachky Puzzle Work

- endless body game for dancers

Kulturakademin i samarbete med Dansalliansen och Göteborgsoperan


“I often come across dancers with a lot of talent and incredible potential, but also dancers who simply have a huge desire to grow, to develop their own dance and their personal skills. For years, I’ve been developing the Puzzle Work system, which has been instrumental in helping dancers unlock their potential.” Anton Lachky

Each of us has our own logic, our own limitations and our drive to move. The key is to find our own balance so that our bodies work the way we want them to without going overboard. Puzzle Work is a method that always allows you to be playful while dancing. Puzzle Work is a constant work in progress if we allow it to be, a never-ending process.

The purpose of the course is to give an insight into Puzzle Work. The method opens up and provides keys to an infinite variety of movement combinations and possibilities in each participant's individual movement vocabulary.
The aim is for you as a participant to get to know your personal movement vocabulary and then begin to challenge both the body and the brain with complex coordination and increased tempo to develop speed.

OBS! Det går bra att delta under endast en dag eller spridda dagar. Ange ditt önskemål i din motivering då du ansöker till kursen!


Watch this video from previous workshop with Anton Lachky (20+) Facebook


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Course leader

Anton Lachky

Born in 1982 in Slovakia, Anton Lachky started to dance at the age of 5, in the folk dance company Maly Vtácnik. He continued his dance education at the J.L.Bellu Conservatory in Banská Bystrica, where he collaborated with friends and also participated in M.A.P.A. (Moving Academy for Performing Arts).From there he went on to train at the University of Bratislava in 2001, followed by further training at P.A.R.T.S., headed by A.Teresa de Keersmeaker (Belgium).
Anton became member of Akram Khan Company in March 2004 and toured for two years in 48 countries. He is co-founder of Les SlovaKs Dance Collective. He founded his own company in 2012. 
His work brings together western educated dance, and shreds of eastern folk and pop culture. Thanks to the "Puzzle work", a technic of composition he created, Anton's shows demonstrate an extremely virtuosic and sophisticated dance language. His teaching activities are wide ranging. He has been invited in most of the countries in the world over last 10 years.

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Skriv ut
14 nov 2022
18 nov 2022

Kl. 10.00-12.00
Lunch 12.00-13.00
Kl. 13.00-17.00

Course leader
Anton Lachky
Professionella dansare och koreografer.
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Christina Nilssons gata
411 04 Göteborg
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06 nov 2022

Kulturakademins aktiviteter bedrivs med stöd från Kulturnämnden och Miljö- och regionutvecklingsnämnden i Västra Götalandsregionen samt Region Halland.

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